Written By: Nischay Hegde
Editor: Laiba Lakhani
In the past decade, many advancements have been made in the field of artificial intelligence. Technologies such as AlphaGo and DeepBlue have beaten human grandmasters at board games such as chess. However, this is trivial compared to the current most common use of artificial intelligence, advertising and recommendations. Companies use AI technologies to get more sales by showing ads to people who, as predicted by the AI, are most likely to be interested in the product. In the future, there are many other great prospects for AI. However, the entertainment industry likes to depict AI as something to be feared that could take over the world. This is a very absurd speculation as AI will never be able to think like humans. It definitely surpasses humans in certain tasks but can never be able to adopt the human creativity and intuition that could make it truly dangerous. Putting this aside, many say that artificial intelligence is the most useful technological innovation in human history and that we are currently going through a second industrial revolution focused around AI.
Artificial intelligence can improve healthcare. It can help doctors to assess, diagnose, and manage a patient's condition more effectively and accurately. It can also make medical interventions more efficient and even reduce the number of patients who need to be treated in an ICU. But AI does more than that. By combining the power of machine-learning algorithms and big data, AI can help doctors to improve the way they work, reduce the amount of time patients are at risk and help them to cut costs. This is where the concept of artificial intelligence is so important. AI is the ability of computers to process information, make decisions, and make predictions. In the medical field, that type of intelligence is very useful. For example, given the body statistics of a person, an AI can predict what health conditions that person may be at risk of in the future. This is something humans cannot do very accurately. Things like this may also reduce the cost of hospitalization. But that doesn't mean AI is the be-all and end-all of healthcare. There are plenty of other technologies that can have a positive impact on this field as well.
Artificial intelligence can also be used to help clean the environment. Researchers used a machine-learning algorithm to teach a machine to recognize patterns in images, so when it is asked to pick a location, it will do so according to that pattern. The algorithm could be used to clean up the environment by identifying dangerous areas or helping prevent pollution. "The algorithm allows us to build a general principle of how to build a machine learning model to analyze the environment," said the study's co-author, Professor Andrew Triggs of the University of Oxford.” The researchers trained their algorithm on a huge database of images and then used it to train a classifier. The classifier was then able to give a score of how environmentally damaged a place was. This work demonstrates one of the most important applications of AI. As technology continues to improve, we will be able to use it to clean up our environment and reduce the risks of environmental pollution.
Artificial intelligence can be used to automate tasks that are dangerous or laborious for humans. The work is not only less interesting to a human, but also less risky to the machine. For example, the robot can be used to replace human drivers, who are prone to accidents and often end up being injured in a crash. In the future, the robot can be programmed to carry out a specific task, such as cleaning a room, without needing to be manually programmed. Instead, they will learn from their surroundings and adapt. The robot then does the job without human input, which makes it easier to perform. This type of project has been funded by the European Commission. The robot will be developed by the University of Stirling, Scotland, and is expected to be ready by the end of this year.
For the reasons above, artificial intelligence is the most useful technological innovation in human history. If a man-made intelligence is created, it will be useful for the purposes it is designed for. It will not be capable of having malicious intent unlike what films portray. Holding back the development of artificial intelligence is not a good idea as it can help solve major problems around the world. Also, we must cultivate an interest in this type of technology in kids so that they have the motivation to develop AI in the future.
Works Cited
"Top 12 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Healthcare" 2018-04-30 https://healthitanalytics.com/news/top-12-ways-artificial-intelligence-will-impact-healthcare. Accessed 23 December 2020.
'News Room'. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/news-room/docs/ai-for-the-earth.pdf. Accessed 23 December 2020.
"Dexterity, Inc. Introduces Intelligent Robots - Dexterity.Ai" 2020-07-21 https://dexterity.ai/newsroom/are-robots-stealing-our-jobs/. Accessed 23 December 2020.